Zheng Bo

A full-stack JS developer and open-source activist.


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Teck Stack

  • Backend: Node.js; Express; AWS lambda; serverless; GraphQL; RabbitMQ
  • Database: DynamoDB; MongoDB; Postgres; SQLite; AWS RDS; Redis
  • Frontend: react.js; SASS/CSS; d3.js
  • Chrome Extension: react.js; SASS/CSS;

Projects (open source)

  • chart.xkcd: xkcd styled chart lib.
    • 5.5k+ stars on GitHub, 100k downloads
    • Built with d3.js
  • tomato-pie: A new UI for Pomodoro Technique. Schedule your time directly with a clock.
    • 1k+ active users
    • Built with pure HTML, CSS, JS
  • repo-analytics: Thorough analytics for your GitHub repos.
    • 100+ users
    • Frontend: React.js; backend: node.js, AWS lambda, dynamodb

Working Experience

  • t9t.io: Indie Hacker; (2019/05 - now)
    Trying to build something people want
  • modelo.io: Backend developer; Backend leader; (2016/10 - 2019/05)
    Lead a small backend team; Maintain and write backend code using node.js, GraphQL, PostgreSQL…
  • ele.me (now part of Alibaba): Intern; (2016/05 - 2016/08)
    Develop performance monitor system making use of node.js, MongoDB, Redis and koa
  • Oracle China: Intern; (2015/07 – 2016/05)
    Maintain automatic testing system code(written in node.js) in the OATS team.


  • Master’s Degree in computational physics, Shanghai University (2014 – 2017)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in physics, Ningbo University (2010 – 2014)